President Message

A message from Brother's President on our values and philosophy

Achieving a Sustainable Society

The Brother Group has been offering a variety of products during the course of a history of more than 100 years, in response to the changing needs of customers and society. Our mission is to continuously provide "superior value" in order to meet our customers' and social demands.

The global community has been steadily shifting toward a carbon-free society through various measures for climate change. Efforts are being made to achieve a sustainable society by minimizing the impact on the global environment while maintaining economic growth. International frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement (an international agreement for mitigating climate change) have been established, and the Osaka Blue Ocean Vision * was also shared.

The Brother Group recognizes the urgency of such measures for international environmental issues as well as the significance of addressing ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) for its sustainable growth.


Strengthen activities based on the “Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050”

Environmental, social, and economic systems have been undergoing sweeping changes. The social environment has also been changing significantly. Against this backdrop, the Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050 was formulated in March 2018 to contribute to solving social issues, such as climate change, and create a sustainable society in line with the Brother Group Environmental Policy.

Based on this environmental vision, the Brother Group will strengthen its activities related to “CO2 emissions reduction”, “resource circulation”, and “biodiversity conservation”. As for the reduction of CO2 emissions in the entire Brother Group (Scope 1 & 2) in particular, steady results have been produced, by continuing energy-saving activities and changing materials used in manufacturing facilities outside Japan. A reduction of 28% was achieved toward the FY2050 target of 30% cut from FY2015. The Brother Group will undertake new initiatives such as resource recycling in the value chain by improving the system and continuously promoting activities.


Promising active and continuous efforts to accelerate environmental activities

In the Brother Group Global Charter that provides the foundation for all of the Brother Group’s activities, the Brother Group promises to play its part to help society achieve sustainable development by actively and continuously considering the environmental impact of all aspects of its operations. Under the “Brother Earth” slogan, the Brother Group has been accelerating environmental activities with stakeholders based on a unified message of “Working with you for a better environment.”


Gaining public trust

The Brother Group considers that customers’ issues can be solved by meeting the requirements and standards set by environmental labels in respective countries. To this end, the Brother Group has been working hard to develop environmentally friendly products, which enables us to solve social issues and also gain trust from customers.

I believe that each employee of the Brother Group should recognize that social demand reflects customers’ needs, and create products and services through the company, which acts as ‘amplifiers’. I, as management, will make the utmost of efforts to make it happen and gain long-term trust from society.


Ichiro Sasaki
Representative Director & President
Brother Industries, Ltd.
September 2019


* This world vision was shared at the G20 Osaka Summit, aiming for global economic stability and growth, to reduce additional pollution by marine plastic litter to zero by 2050.

Social and Ethical Policy

Sociaal en Ethisch Beleid

Brother is trots op zijn eerlijke en respectvolle bedrijfsvoering die gestoeld is op een solide basis van vertrouwen en integriteit. Ons Ethisch Beleid en interne Brother Group Global Charter vormen een leidraad voor de relaties met onze stakeholders, zorgen voor een wereldwijde coherentie in onze beslissingen en helpen ons om onze "At your side" filosofie waar te maken voor al onze activiteiten.

Lees ons volledige Sociaal en Ethisch Beleid

Environmental Policy


Brother streeft er voortdurend naar om zijn impact op het milieu te verminderen en een duurzamer beleid te voeren. We respecteren onze verantwoordelijkheden ten aanzien van het milieu tijdens elke fase van de levenscyclus van een product: van ontwerp, ontwikkeling en productie tot gebruik, afvalverwerking en recyclage.

Lees ons volledige Milieubeleid


Cool Earth

Brother heeft een jarenlange samenwerking met Cool Earth om de planeet te beschermen. Door te recycleren kan je ons daarbij helpen.

Ontdek onze samenwerking


Klik voor de Aarde

Met één klik kan je je steentje bijdragen aan het behoud van het wereldwijde milieu.

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